The Death of American Chestnuts

We’ve lost a tree species before. Will we lose one again? 

Whitebark Pine isn’t the first American tree that we’ve fought (and struggled) to save. All modern forest pathology efforts in the US can be traced back to the story of American Chestnuts.

What were they, and what happened?

Excerpted from the episode Whitebark | Chapter Three. Season Two follows the fight to save Whitebark Pine: the most important tree you’ve never heard of.

Chapter Three focuses on the threats facing Whitebark Pine. This aside is used to establish the stakes.

Everything seems stable and wonderful. Then, in a matter of 10 years, every chestnut tree in the park was dead or dying.
— Wendy Cass

Who I Spoke With

  • Susan Freinkel

    Author - American Chestnut: The Life, Death, and Rebirth of a Perfect Tree

  • Wendy Cass

    NPS - Botanist at Shenandoah National Park


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