Native Foods and Culture
We meet people sharing traditional culture through food
Glacier National Park, a place often celebrated for its natural scenery, offers an equally diverse and rich cultural landscape.
In this episode of Headwaters, food offers an introduction to the area’s indigenous communities: The Selis, Qlispe, Kootenai, and Blackfeet
Excerpted from the episode Confluence | Two Medicine, from season one of Headwaters. Season One set out to share stories of nature and culture from each major region of Glacier National Park.
Who I Spoke With
Mariah Gladstone
Amskapipikuni Founder of Indigikitchen
Rose Bear Don't Walk
Séliš/Apsaálooke Ethnobotanist
Darnell Rides at the Door
Amskapipikuni Ethnobotanist & Historian
Vernon Finley
Kootenai - Salish Kootenai Culture Committee